The day after the election....
Last night CNN commentator Van Jones expressed how difficult it would be to explain this election to his kids. For me, I felt I needed to talk less (because we all know how vocal I was during the election) and do more. So this morning I woke up and decided to take action. A simple action. I took my daughter to the park.
Hidden in Prospect park, in unassuming corners, are the statues of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The statue of Lincoln is the first of him that the Union erected. It’s larger than life, but also smaller in stature than the giant memorials that came later.
I wanted my daughter to see truly great men. Figures who embodied the values that I hope my daughter will one day embrace. Tolerance for others, Courage to stand up for your ideals, and humility to admit when you are wrong. I also wanted her to see that even though I was distraught and in uncertain times myself, I still placed her first and that I can take a morning off to have some fun with her and teach her lessons on how to be a good person. While my vote didn’t create the short term future I wanted, I hope my parenting creates a greater generation than the one in which I live. It’s all any parent can hope for, and it’s up to us to take actions towards that end.
Take some time today to hug your loved ones and be the change that you want to see in the world. America is a woven fabric of families and communities, held together by love for each other. We are an unstoppable force, and one that overcomes all obstacles. Not one movement or person defines us, and as long as we pass on our values to the generation after us, we will continue to be the greatest country on earth.